Local Residents

Welcome local residents of Rouken Glen Park. This page contains some further information about our event and details of how to contact us should you need any further information, as well as details of our community info session.

The Reeling is a summer festival celebrating the very best of traditional Scottish music, creativity, and community. It is taking place on Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th June 2024, in and around the events field of Rouken Glen Park, you can view the full lineup here.

We aim to welcome up to 5,000 people of all ages, each day to join in the celebration of traditional culture. There is a strong ethos behind the event, with commitments to gender balanced lineups, support for Scotland’s minority languages, and to delivering a sustainable event. We are also a member of 1% for the Planet, meaning 1% of all the business’s revenue is donated charities dedicated to the preservation and restoration of the natural environment.

We have a very experienced team in place for the event, with vast experience in organising music festivals and events across Scotland and the UK. We have a range of plans covering areas that are particularly important to the local community, such as traffic, noise, and waste management.


Event setup: Monday 3rd June - Friday 7th June from 8am until 8pm.
Soundchecks: From 10am until 6pm on Friday 7th June, and from 10am each event day.
Event dates: Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th June from 12 noon until 11pm.
Event derig: Monday 10th June - Wednesday 12th June from 8am until 8pm.

Email (for event related local resident enquiries only) — locals@thereeling.com

Local Residents Contact Telephone (Operational 10am — Midnight on Sat & Sun of the festival).
07563 239194

We look forward to working with the local community to create a fantastic home for this event at Rouken Glen Park.